Create a contract

Creating a contract is a useful tool to have when you assist a customer whom might not know who to sign up for a subscription themselves and need help, or a Telemarketing team can use this to set up subscription directly to customers to efficiently.

  1. Go to ‘Customers’ section and then to ‘Contracts’ and then press “Create contract”.
  1. Fill in the required information to create a contract.
  1. First select which product the customer should have acces to in “Product details”, then go to the “Pricing details” section. Type in if there is a discount code, if VAT it included or not and if its a multi seat (only relevant for vendors offering multi seat function). “Force unit price” is if you want to select a specific price instead of using a discount code.
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  1. “User details” fill in the relevant information about the customer. Important note if someone is gifting a subscription to someone else or paying for someones subscription; use the box “Payer is different from user”. If the payer is different from the one receiving you type in the customer who receives the subscription above under “User details” and the one paying (or gifting) under “Payer is different from user”. Also note if you fill the box “Buying as a business” you need to add the company name and VAT Number.
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  1. Payment details. Invoice is the only option to use. Add inovice email and EDI Number if relevant. The reference part is something optional if the vendor or customer wants a numeric value for their internal administration of the invoice. The invoice email is the email getting the invoice.
  1. Lastly review the contract and check that everything is right and create it!
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