

  • Total payments: amount of all positive transactions received. Refunds are not included here. It is represented in the portal in two different ways: a summarised number and a bar graph that shows the daily transactions.
  • New subscriptions: number of new recurring and renewable contracts.
  • Single purchases: number of perpetual contracts, associated to single items purchase.
  • Payment methods: transactions received grouped by different payment methods


  • Total subscriptions: total number of recurring and renewable contracts. The portal shows this number grouped either by product option or by product.
  • Total subscribers: total number of licenses associated to subscriptions. The portal shows this number grouped either by product option or by product.
  • Expected total sales: amount associated to bills created in the specific day. Note that is called expected because a bill cannot be paid within the day. Refunds are not included here.
  • Payments from subscriptions: amount associated to incoming transactions in the specific day. These are therefore confirmed payments. Only payments associated to subscriptions are included here.
  • Payments from new subscriptions: amount associated to incoming transactions in the specific day for contracts that are obtaining its first payment.
  • Payments from recurring subscriptions: amount associated to incoming transactions in the specific day for contracts that already had others payments.
  • New subscriptions: Number of contracts associated to subscriptions confirmed in the specific day.
  • Requested cancellations: Number of contracts associated to subscriptions that requested to be cancelled in the specific day.
  • Ended subscriptions: Number of contracts associated to subscriptions that ended in the specific day.
  • Payment methods: Payments received grouped by its payment method.
  • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR): income earned from recurring contracts each month. It represents the stable revenue that could be expected on a regular monthly basis. It is calculated as follows, where “monthly user income” is the contract revenue, but adjusted to the monthly equivalent value. Example: for an user with a yearly subscription, “monthly user income” would be the total amount paid for that yearly subscription divided by 12.
  • New monthly recurring revenue (new MRR): MRR gained in the day, corresponding to the “monthly user income” of new recurring subscriptions.
  • Churned monthly recurring revenue (churned MRR): MRR lost in the day, corresponding to the “monthly user income” of churned recurring subscriptions.

Single purchases

  • Single purchases: Number of single purchases acquired in a specific day.
  • Payments from single purchases: Amount of transactions associated to single purchases received in a specific day.
  • Payment methods: Payments received grouped by its payment method.
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