Meta tags

How to use html metadata on articles

When a new article or post is created it is added to the catalog of products either by using the meta tags of the page or the sesamy-content-data tag.

These tags are required to create a valid product: titledescriptionimageprice and currency.

In addition, there are optional fields that for instance can be used to create subscriptions.

The fields are fetched with fallback so for instance the title field is fetched from the sesamy:title meta tag if available. If it isn't available it falls back to the og:title meta tag and so on.

Required Fields


sesamy:title meta tag

<meta property="sesamy:title" content="any title" />

og:title meta tag

<meta property="og:title" content="any title" />

<title> tag

<title>any title</title>

First <H1> found

<h1>any title</h1>


sesamy:description meta tag

<meta property="sesamy:description" content="any description" />

og:description meta tag

<meta property="og:description" content="any description" />

description meta tag

<meta property="description" content="any description" />


sesamy:image meta tag

<meta property="sesamy:image" content="[IMAGE_URL]" />

og:image meta tag

<meta property="og:image" content="[IMAGE_URL]" />

image meta tag

<meta property="image" content="[IMAGE_URL]" />


sesamy:price meta tag

<meta property="sesamy:price" content="10" />

og:price meta tag

<meta property="og:price" content="10" />

price meta tag

<meta property="price" content="10" />

Currency (DKK, EUR and SEK)

sesamy:currency meta tag

<meta property="sesamy:currency" content="EUR" />

og:currency meta tag

<meta property="og:currency" content="EUR" />

currency meta tag

<meta property="currency" content="EUR" />

Optional Fields

Optional fields are not required but highly recommended. These tags allows our analytics platform to collect more information about your content and to provide data based on category and tag performance.

Section / Category (recommended)

sesamy:section meta tag is used to specify the category of a given article.

<meta property="sesamy:section" content="Technology" />
<meta property="sesamy:section" content="News" />

article:section meta tag according to the Opengraph Standard

<meta property="article:section" content="Technology" />
<meta property="sesamy:section" content="News" />

Tags (recommended)

  1. sesamy:tag meta tag, multiple of these tags can be used to specify several tags.
<meta property="sesamy:tag" content="Technology" />
<meta property="sesamy:tag" content="Technology" />
<meta property="sesamy:tag" content="Apple" />
<meta property="sesamy:tag" content="Iphone" />
  1. article:tag meta tag according to the Opengraph Standard, this can be used multiple times to specify several tags.
<meta property="article:tag" content="Technology" />
<meta property="article:tag" content="Technology" />
<meta property="article:tag" content="Apple" />
<meta property="article:tag" content="Iphone" />

Publish date and time (recommended)

  1. sesamy:published_time meta tag is used to specify the date and time when the article was published. Ex: 2022-10-31T20:30:02Z
<meta property="sesamy:published_time" content="2022-10-31T20:30:02Z" />
  1. article:published_time meta tag according to the Opengraph Standard
<meta property="article:published_time" content="2022-10-31T20:30:02Z" />

Product Type

The default value is SINGLE_PAYMENT

  1. sesamy:product-type meta tag
<meta property="sesamy:product-type" content="[SINGLE_PAYMENT | RECURRING]" />

Client ID

The client id used for Sesamy Authentication

  1. sesamy:client-id meta tag
<meta property="sesamy:client-id" content="[CLIENT_ID]" />


The organization is used for Sesamy Authentication

  1. sesamy:organization meta tag
<meta property="sesamy:organization" content="organization" />

Publisher Content ID

The publisher ID for the content. Indexed and passed back to the website when unlocking content

  1. sesamy:publisher-content-id meta tag
<meta property="sesamy:publisher-content-id" content="[PUBLISHER_CONTENT_ID]" />
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