
The Sesamy plugin can be activated in the labrador dashboard:

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The following properties need to be provided

  • ID, this is the Sesamy client-id that is provided by Sesamy support
  • Price, the default price for single purchase articles
  • Currency, the default currency for single purchase articles
  • Paywall settings url. The link to the paywall used in Labrador. The links are available on the paywalls page in the Sesamy portal
  • Paywall pass page with absolut url. Typically this is the url to the subscription signup page. It is linked to the product and is provided by Sesamy support.

In addition to this config the login button needs to be added to the page which currently is handled by Labrador support.


Analytics with Kilkaya


The Kilkaya integration is managed by Labrador but as information about the current logged in user isn’t available to Labrador it needs to be fetched with a script injected on the page.


Add the following script as a custom tag in the head bottom position in the Labrador dashboard. Remember to add your sesamy client id.

const tokenData = localStorage.getItem('@@auth0spajs@@::<YOUR SESAMY CLIENT-ID>::@@user@@');
const tokenJson = tokenData ? JSON.parse(tokenData) : null;
Dac.clientData.paywall.isAuthenticated = !!tokenJson;
Dac.clientData.subscriberId = tokenJson?.decodedToken?.user?.sub;
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Last updated on August 6, 2021